Your professional dentistry practice in Amsterdam Noord specialized in treating patients that speak English, Dutch, Portuguese and Spanish.
Do you want to become a patient with us? Sign up on our website for an intake consult with the dentist. We will contact you within 1 working day.
After signing up, we will contact you for an intake consult and we will confirm your appointment via email. In case, you have a file of your former dentist, you can have it send to our email:
During the intake appointment, the dentist does a thorough checkup of your teeth and gums, takes and analyses the xrays and discusses your concerns or dental questions. Based on this, the dentist discusses with you a treatment plan.
The costs for an intake consult are €57,66 and the costs for 1 small xray are €21,24 (minimal 2 xrays). Additional costs, in case indicated by the dentist, are: OPG xray €91,04; cleaning per 5 minutes €17,01.
Smile Place is a general dentistry practice (periodic checkups, dental cleaning, fillings, rootcanal treatments) with orthodontics and implantology as specializations.
All our invoices are taken care of by Infomedics. In case you have dental insurance, Infomedics claims this with your insurance. If there is a deductible, you will receive an invoice via email from More information on your invoice can be found on
One week before your appointment, we will send you an email reminder and 3 days before your appointment, we will send you a sms reminder. In case you can not come to your appointment, we kindly request that you cancel 48hours in advance. Appointments on the first working day after the weekend should be canceled by Friday before 12pm. Failure to cancel on time, can lead to costs.
In the Netherlands, dentist costs are only covered if you have an additional dental insurance. Before or on January 1st of every calender year, you can get dental insurance with your insurance company and/or switch insurance companies entirely. Dental insurance comes in many different forms. Want to compare insurance policies? Go to websites such as independer or tandartsverzekering.
Most dentist costs for children under 18 are covered under the basic insurance of their parents or caretakers. Exceptions are treatments such as orthodontics, crowns, implants and costs for late cancelations.
For pain or dental emergency outside of our opening hours, please contact the emergency dentist:
– Mondzorg Poli (Amsterdam West): 088-263 2727
– Dental 365 (Amsterdam Centrum): 020-555 8282
- Tandarts Spoedeisende hulp by OLVG hospital (Amsterdam Oost): 0900 8602 (90ct per call)
Always call first to make an appointment
Smile Place Tandartsen
Buikslotermeerplein 172, 1025 EZ Amsterdam, Netherlands
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